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Crazy Bulk D-Bal Review: What You Need To Know Before Buying It…

Muscle growth is an essential part of looking great – but for a skinny guy, this process can take time and quite a lot of effort.

Many people tend to go toward a more illicit route when they find their current strategies fail to produce effective results. This often involves the use of anabolic steroids.

The US Department of Justice explains that there is a huge market for anabolic steroids – and an estimated 0.5% of the US adult population has turned to these illicit drugs to help them gain in the gym or on the track. Unfortunately, those people who turn to anabolic steroids will often experience their side-effects.

This may include severe acne, oily hair and skin, hair loss, kidney damage, heart disease, and even an altered mood. Many companies are now creating natural supplements to produce similar effects as anabolic steroids but without the harsh side-effects.

We take a closer look at Crazy Bulk’s D-Bal supplement. In this Crazy Bulk D-Bal review, we consider what this alternative to anabolic steroids is, how it works, and what ingredients you will be consuming if you decide to take advantage of this muscle growth supplement.

What Is Crazy Bulk D-Bal?


Crazy Bulk D-Bal is a 100% natural supplement that takes advantage of herbal extracts and certain nutrients in order to help you gain in terms of muscle mass. The product serves as an alternative to a very specific type of anabolic steroid, known as Dianabol.

The Dianabol anabolic steroid product uses a chemical compound called Methandrostenolone in order to produce the expected results. Methandrostenolone was initially developed in the year 1960 by a pharmaceutical company in Germany.

Methandrostenolone, also known as Methandienone, is no longer used for medical purposes.

The drug is considered illicit but can be obtained without a prescription in several countries, including Mexico.

People do not use the drug as medicine anymore, but rather as an anabolic steroid to produce enhancements in muscle growth.

The main problem with Methandrostenolone is not only the legal issues but also the fact that the chemical compounds that are used in the drug can cause serious side-effects – including a risk of stroke and heart attack.

Crazy Bulk was able to develop a unique formula that can produce effects that are similar to how Methandrostenolone works in your body, but without using the same toxic chemicals that are found in the official Dianabol supplement.

Currently, the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement is considered one of the most effective alternatives to Dianabol, while also being an exceptionally safe option when compared to the chemical-based anabolic steroid.

Crazy Bulk has also recently improved the formula of the D-Bal supplement. This has led to the development of a product that is up to seven times more potent than the previous formula used in the Crazy Bulk D-Bal dietary supplement.

The idea behind the supplement is to help you experience a significant increase in your muscle strength. At the same time, the supplement also focuses on stimulating muscle growth during intense physical workout sessions.

How Does Crazy Bulk D-Bal Work?

Crazy Bulk D-Bal is a multi-purpose supplement that does not only produce one single function in your body.

Instead, the brand behind the supplement decided to combine several natural ingredients into one product – thus producing multiple effects that, in the end, work together to give you the results that you expect.

In order to provide a more detailed explanation of how exactly Crazy Bulk D-Bal works, it is important that we turn our attention to the ingredients that are used in the supplement.

This gives us an opportunity to give you a more detailed explanation of each ingredient and help you better understand exactly how the supplement will work in your body to give you the results you expect.

We take a look at the ingredients that are used in the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement below, along with details on how each of these compounds would benefit your efforts to bulk up.

Ashwagandha Extract

Ashwagandha is often called Indian ginseng. It has been associated with several potential advantages and is considered an ancient herb. The use of this ingredient can help to assist in enhancing several aspects of your performance when working out.

There are several studies that back up the claims made about ashwagandha as well, providing evidence that the plant extract is effective for bodybuilders, athletes, and even a skinny guy that is simply trying to gain more muscle mass.

One study showed that the daily use of an ashwagandha supplement could effectively produce an increase in overall muscular power. This makes it easier to lift heavier weights – which is critical if you are planning to boost your muscle mass.

In another study, participants were provided a daily supplement that contains a high-quality ashwagandha root extract. The results in terms of muscle strength and size were significantly better among those that took this particular supplement, compared to a placebo group.

Muscle strength was improved up to 1.7 times more when an ashwagandha supplement was used.

The increase in muscle size was up to 2.3 times more prominent in the ashwagandha group too, when compared to the participants who took a placebo supplement.

Ashwagandha root may also help to improve immune function in your body, while also improving blood sugar control. There is also some evidence that this supplement could be useful in providing a reduction in stress and anxiety symptoms.

Suma Root Concentrated Extract

Suma is another active ingredient in Crazy Bulk D-Bal that has been associated with several medicinal properties. The plant is often referred to as the Brazilian ginseng, even though it has no direct relation to the ginseng family of plants.

Many people use the Suma plant in order to fight against toxins and bacteria. The plant has been found to act as an adaptogen in the body, which means it can help improve your body’s ability to cope with stressors – including the stress that is applied when you undergo heavy training in the gym.

There are also some suggestions that Suma plant extracts could be useful for men who are experiencing difficulties in the bedroom.

The use of the plant extract may help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This is another area where the plant becomes useful in the gym.

During weight lifting, muscle fibers tear – and this causes inflammation and soreness.

The active chemicals that are found in the Suma plant may help to reduce this inflammation and also provide alleviation in pain associated with weight lifting.

Other Ingredients In Crazy Bulk D-Bal

While the two ingredients above work together to produce effective results, there are several other plant extracts, as well as nutrients that the supplement uses to help you experience improved performance while working out.

Tribulus Terrestris has been shown to yield anti-inflammatory properties in the human body. This means the addition of this particular plant extract could help to reduce swelling in your muscle tissue after you have worked out.

There is also some evidence that Tribulus Terrestris could be useful for reducing pain – something that you are likely to experience with intense exercise.

Sodium hyaluronate, or hyaluronic acid, has been added to the supplement to assist with the process of muscle tissue regeneration. The addition of this ingredient may also have a positive effect on the development of your lean muscle mass.

Vitamin D3 and magnesium is added to assist with your nutritional balance and to boost muscle and bone health. The supplement also includes MSM and L-Isoleucine, one of the three essential Branched-Chain Amino Acids.

Check Complete List of Ingredients

How To Use Crazy Bulk D-Bal?

The use of Crazy Bulk D-Bal is relatively straightforward, but it is important to take note that there are certain limitations that need to be followed.

This helps you reduce your risk of experiencing potential side-effects and can eliminate the potential risks that come with the long-term use of certain ingredients used in the supplement.

Each bottle of Crazy Bulk D-Bal contains 90 capsules in total.

While this may seem like a large number of capsules, do take note that each serving consists of three capsules – which means a single container of the supplement will last for a period of 30 days.

This is a post-workout supplement and should ideally not be taken before you hit the gym. Instead, wait about 45 minutes after you participated in a workout before you consume your daily serving. You should take three tablets at once with a full glass of water.

For appropriate results, you need to ensure you use the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement for at least two months.

This provides adequate time for the ingredients to become effective in your body. After using the supplement for a period of two months, you do need to take a break for one and a half weeks before resuming your daily dose of the Crazy Bulk D-Bal dietary pills.

It should also be noted that Crazy Bulk D-Bal is a supplement that will not yield effective results if you do not implement appropriate steps on your side too.

The product needs to be combined with a strength training routine and an appropriate diet that provides your body with an adequate number of calories and carbohydrates.

This will allow your body to take full advantage of the effects produced by the ingredients used in the supplement.

Stack Options For Crazy Bulk D-Bal


When it comes to going from skinny to big, one trend that you might have noticed is stacking. Many people tend to stack supplements in order to gain better results. The problem is, not all supplements are ideal to be stacked with each other.

This makes it essential to learn what particular supplements a specific product can be stacked with – by educating yourself on the stacking compatibility of this product, you can assure your safety if you are planning to use more than a single item.

The good news is Crazy Bulk D-Bal is a very safe supplement that can be stacked with a number of other supplements the brand has to offer.

With the right combination of supplements, you will be able to gain an increase in muscle mass, while also boosting strength and eliminating the risk of experiencing fatigue too soon during your workout session.

Some of the best supplements that you can stack with the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement include:

  • DecaDuro (Deca Durabolin)
  • Trenorol (Trenbolone)
  • Anadrole (Anadrol)
  • Testo-Max (Sustanon)

Be sure to take note of specific instructions when you do decide to stack the supplement with other products from this brand.

You will need to carefully consider the dosage instructions for these products – as you might have to adjust your dose of the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement if you decide to stack it with other supplements from the Crazy Bulk brand.

The Benefits Of Crazy Bulk D-Bal


There are several benefits that you can expect when you decide to take advantage of the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement. Even when used alone, the product can give you several benefits when it comes to boosting your results in the gym.

Let’s consider a few of the most important benefits that you get when you decide to buy this particular supplement:

  • The product was formulated to provide similar actions as an anabolic steroid, but without causing damage to your liver and kidneys. The safety profile of this product is far more beneficial compared to the use of an illicit anabolic steroid drug.
  • The ingredients have been carefully selected in order to assist in increasing the rate at which proteins are synthesized in your muscle tissue. This, in turn, leads to faster growth of lean muscle mass.
  • The product is also able to produce an enhancement in your muscle strength. This is an essential factor when it comes to pushing your limits in the gym. By creating stronger muscles, you will be able to increase the limit of weights that you can push and lift. In turn, you will start seeing better results.
  • In addition to being beneficial for muscle growth and strength, the use of Crazy Bulk D-Bal also helps with the recovery process following an intense workout session. Certain ingredients utilized in the product can help to speed up the recovery process of muscle tissue effectively. This also means you will be less likely to experience soreness after you have participated in a workout.
  • The addition of ashwagandha extract in the supplement helps you burn through existing fat content in your body faster. This makes it easier to achieve a higher lean muscle mass percentage while reducing your body fat percentage at the same time.
  • The increase in VO2 max produced by the special formula in this supplement also gives you the ability to continue working out without the risk of experiencing fatigue early on in your training sessions.

The formula also helps to reduce the effects of pressure applied to tendons and bones. Additionally, you may find that other health benefits become present when using the supplement, such as a possible reduction in your cholesterol levels.

Are There Any Risks To Taking Crazy Bulk D-Bal?

Due to the serious side-effects that have been associated with anabolic steroids, you might be concerned about your safety when you decide to use the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement.

The great news is that this particular supplement does not come with the risks associated with anabolic steroids. The company has deemed the ingredients used in the supplement as safe for both the kidneys and the liver.

Additionally, the ingredients found in Crazy Bulk D-Bal will not cause an elevation in blood pressure like you may experience when using a synthetic anabolic steroid product.

While safer than anabolic steroids, you should take note that there are some potential side-effects that may occur with the specific natural ingredients that are found in the supplement.

Ashwagandha is one of the primary ingredients used in this supplement. Short-term usage of this plant-based extract is considered safe, but there are some side-effects that have been reported.

These primarily include an upset stomach, sleepiness, and headaches. In some rare cases, a rapid heartbeat has also been reported.

Tribulus Terrestris, another ingredient in the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement, also has a few potential side-effects that you do need to take note of.

In most cases, the side-effects are very mild. It is also relatively uncommon for a person to experience side-effects when using the supplement – but they are still possible.

Side-effects associated with the use of Tribulus Terrestris include nausea, cramping, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting, and sleeping problems.

If severe side-effects do occur, it is important to stop using this particular supplement.

How Much Does Crazy Bulk D-Bal Cost?

Supplements that aim at providing an alternative to anabolic steroids often come with a hefty price tag. This makes these products less accessible to those people who are trying to bulk up on a smaller budget.

Fortunately, Crazy Bulk D-Bal comes at a relatively affordable cost. The brand behind the supplement also has a Bulk offer available, which can save you over $100 if you decide to buy more than just a single bottle of this product at a time.

A single bottle of Crazy Bulk D-Bal costs $59.99. If you decide to buy two bottles of the supplement, the manufacturer throws the third one into the deal at no extra charges. This means you get three bottles of the supplement for the price of $119.98.

Another major benefit that you get when you decide to buy from the Crazy Bulk brand is the fact that there are no additional charges for the shipping of your order.

The price you see on the product’s page is the final amount that you will pay for the order – the company offers free shipping on all orders placed on its official website.

Where And How To Buy Crazy Bulk D-Bal?

Crazy Bulk’s products are exclusively sold on the company’s official website. You will not be able to go out to a local store in your area that specializes in the sale of supplements – these companies will not stock the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement or any other products from the brand.

The purchasing process is made relatively simple. You simply need to visit the company’s official website and navigate to the Crazy Bulk D-Bal supplement page.

Once you reach this page, you can choose between a single bottle of the supplement or rather take advantage of the Bulk offer.

Simply click on the offer you wish to buy and follow the simple checkout process.

Be sure to enter your address correctly during the checkout process and verify that your email address is correct as well. You will also need to pay for the order during the checkout process – the payment processor uses on Crazy Bulk’s website supports all major credit and debit cards.

Once payment has been confirmed, the manufacturer will send your order to the shipping address defined during the checkout process.

Final Verdict

Crazy Bulk D-Bal offers an effective and natural alternative to one of the world’s most popular steroid supplements, Dianabol.

The difference, however, is that the use of Crazy Bulk’s D-Bal supplement will not yield the unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side-effects that have been noted among those who use Dianabol and other steroids containing Methandrostenolone.

The supplement comes at a good price point, considering the quality and efficacy. It is also a highly rated natural supplement that focuses on increasing muscle strength and boosting the growth of lean muscle mass.

For a skinny guy trying to get big, this is an ideal supplement that can be stacked with a series of other Crazy Bulk products – providing a rapid growth in mass and strength.

Overall, the Crazy Bulk D-Bal does seem to be a worthy supplement with no major concerns raised by people who have used the product in the past.

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